
The Insurance Regulatory Examiners Society (IRES) is an association of professional insurance regulators dedicated to consumer protection. IRES helps to promote fair, cost-effective, and efficient insurance regulation by ensuring professionalism and integrity among the individuals who serve state and federal insurance regulatory bodies.

IRES Newsletter

Click Here for a Sample of What’s Included in the Latest Issue of The Regulator”. To view the most recent and past issues of The Regulator you must be a member of IRES. To become a member please click here.

IRES brings together the best minds in the insurance regulation industry. No matter what area of insurance regulation you work in, there are many valuable benefits to being a General Member of IRES.

MCM® Courses

The MCM® Program is a unique and practical 2½-day class that offers advanced, hands-on training for insurance regulators and insurance industry professionals.

The September 23-25 Virtual MCM is OPEN! REGISTER HERE

Career Development Seminar

Registration is open!  Click Here

July 21-23 Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort

Designation Programs & IRES Events

Designation Programs

State insurance departments and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) formally recognize the professional designations developed and awarded by the Insurance Regulatory Examiners Society. This program was established to ensure the continuing integrity of the three designations by establishing minimum continuing education standards for those Society members who have earned and choose to maintain their IRES designations.

IRES Membership

IRES brings together the best minds in the insurance regulation industry. No matter what area of insurance regulation you work in, there are many valuable benefits to being a General Member of IRES. Click Here for more information

The IRES Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization that operates independently of IRES.

The Foundation’s mission is to promote professionalism and education in the insurance regulatory community and to educate the private sector about state insurance regulation. The Foundation carries out its mission by funding educational and training programs through grants to qualifying organizations such as IRES.